ADO.NET Projects

ADO.NET Project 1

ADO.NET Examples


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Business Model Connection-oriented Models used mostly Disconnected models are used:Message-like Models.
Disconnected Access Provided by Record set Provided by Data Adapter and Data set
XML Support Limited Robust Support
Data Passing ADO objects communicate in binary mode. ADO.NET uses XML for passing the data.
Design-time support Derives information about data implicitly at run time, based on metadata that is often expensive to obtain. Leverages known metadata at design time in order to provide better run-time performance and more consistent run-time behavior.
Control of data access behaviors Includes implicit behaviors that can not always be required in an application and that can therefore limit performance. Provides well-defined, factored components with predictable behavior, performance, and semantics.
Connection Model Client application needs to be connected always to data-server while working on the data, unless using client-side cursors or a disconnected Record set Client disconnected as soon as the data is processed. DataSet is disconnected at all times.

ADO Versus ADO.NET Data Types

Code Symbol
adEmpty null
adBoolean Int16
adTinyInt SByte
adSmallInt Int16
adInteger Int32
adBigInt Int64
adUnsignedTinyInt promoted to Int16
adUnsignedSmallInt promoted to Int32
adUnsignedInt promoted to Int64
adUnsignedBigInt promoted to Decimal
adSingle Single
adDouble Double
adCurrency Decimal
adDecimal Decimal
adNumeric Decimal
adDate DateTime
adDBDate DateTime
adDBTime DateTime
adDBTimeStamp DateTime
adFileTime DateTime
adGUID Guid
adError ExternalException
adIUnknown object
adIDispatch object
adVariant object
adPropVariant object
adBinary byte[]
adChar string
adWChar string
adBSTR string
adChapter not supported
adUserDefined not supported
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